Tropico 3 Gold Edition PC Full Version – Menjadi seorang dictator dan mengelola pulau, agar pulau dapat menghasilkan banyak uang serta memiliki banyak penduduk, ya hal itulah yang akan kita lakukan didalam game ringan bergenre RTS Simulator ini, versi ke 3 ini lebih baik di bagian grafisnya ketimbang versi awal game ini, untuk kalian yang mau download game versi awalnya, bisa kalian download lewat sini Tropico Reloaded PC Full Version.
Download Tropico 3 Gold Edition PC Full Version, Engage in a tropical power trip! Become the dictator of a remote island during the Cold War. Charm, persuade, intimidate, oppress, or cheat your people to stay in power! Are you a kind and generous leader? A corrupt and ruthless tyrant ruling with an iron fist? Turn your island into a tourist paradise or an industrial power. Make promises to the electorate or slander political adversaries to get the crucial votes for the upcoming elections. Send your avatar to congratulate the people, visit the island of another player, or just sun-bathe on the Caribbean beach.
Play the Cold War superpowers against each other to your maximum advantage. Tropico 3 offers a tongue-in-cheek, light-hearted take on real world issues like third world politics, corruption and totalitarian regimes.
The Official Gold Edition Includes:
• Tropico 3: Steam Special Edition
• Tropico 3: Absolute Power
Tropico 6 MacOSX 4.20.2 Free Download. In Tropico 6 Mac Game, The president has returned! Play for the first time in the series in big skerries. Manage several islands at the same time and adapt to different new challenges. Send your agents in raids in foreign countries to steal wonders and monuments and add them to your collection. LEGGIMI TUTTA SONO IMPORTANTE Ecco a voi il video di MrMacintosh sul download gratuito di Tropico 3 - Gold Edition, accetto consigli e idee per i prossimi video (compresi tutorial su giochi e. A sequel, Tropico 2: Pirate Cove, was released on April 8, 2003. The third game in the series Tropico 3, was released in the autumn of 2009. A fourth game, Tropico 4, was released on August 26, 2011, and a fifth game, Tropico 5, was released on May 23, 2014. Tropico 6 was released on March 29, 2019.
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Tropico 3 Gold Edition PC Full Version